Does your Company have a Fleet of Vehicles?
Why pay upfront and get reimbursed later for your company vehicle car wash?
Just charge it to your company account here at Craig Road Car Wash, sign the receipt and on you go …..
We can provide detailed monthly billing to your company, including time, day and type of wash selected.
OPTION #1: Fleet Washbooks
Your company may pre-pay for your washes at our discounted pricing. Bring in one washbook coupon to pay for your wash.
OPTION #2: Monthly Billing
If you prefer our convenient monthly billing, your employees (with a valid company ID or registered company vehicle) come in and get their vehicle washed at any time.
We charge the wash to your account and a detailed statement follows at the end of the month. The statement will show license plate of vehicle, date and time washed, type of wash, and amount. Our billing terms are net 30 days.
For more information, please call our Administrative Office at (702) 396-8638 or email: craigroadcarwash@gmail.com