Your Next Fundraising Venture
Craig Road Car Wash would like to extend our support in your next fundraising venture. Members like us, of the International Carwash Association have been busy throughout the United States helping local charities raise funds through car wash ticket sales. This program is not only simple, but unique and prosperous as well.
We would like to suggest to you that before you consider using a local parking lot for your next car wash fundraiser that you think about the many financial, safety and environmental benefits of working with Craig Road Car Wash, your neighborhood car wash.

We Can Help You Make More Money
By purchasing car wash tickets at a discounted rate and reselling them to your supporters for face value you will earn larger profits at a faster rate than if you tried to wash that many cars yourself.
We Eliminate Your Liability for Damage or Injury
When you run your own car wash you run the risk of damage to cars or personal injury to a member of your organization or to a supporter. It just doesn't make sense for your organization to assume that kind of risk when you can leave it up to us
We're Better for the Environment
In many states and municipalities, shopping center and school yard car washes are discouraged because they over tax the local storm system with phosphorus and pollutants that destroy the beauty of local ponds and streams. We dispose of our wastewater according to strict EPA, state and local regulations.
We Care About Our Water Supply
Whether our water is plentiful or in short supply, the fact remains that washing cars with a hose and bucket wastes water. This method can use up to three times the water used by a professional car wash. And, with water and sewer bills going up dramatically all over the country, why encourage wasteful habits when we can encourage conservation of our most important resource-water.
Why It Works!
This program is simple and easy to manage. It allows you to raise funds regardless of the weather or the number of volun-teers. You can run this program for one day, one month or one year. The tickets are valid during regular business hours seven days a week.
By working with us, charities, teams, schools and church groups typically raise far more money than they can by going it alone. Part of the reason is because we offer a service that people in our community already know about, value and regularly use. When they buy a ticket from your organization, they know they are supporting your activities and getting a great car wash too!