Effortless Fundraising with Craig Road Car Wash

With the school year back in full swing and various activities needing funding, consider partnering with Craig Road Car Wash. We would like to extend our support in your next fundraising venture. As members of the International Carwash Association, we’ve been actively supporting local charities and fundraising enthusiasts across the United States through car wash ticket sales. This program is not only simple but also unique and highly effective.

Before planning your next car wash fundraiser in a parking lot, consider the numerous financial, safety, and environmental advantages of partnering with us, your neighborhood car wash. With our support, you can focus on what matters most—raising funds for your cause—while we handle the details that make your fundraiser a success. Together, we can create a win-win situation for your organization and the community we serve.

Maximize Your Profits

By purchasing our car wash tickets at a discounted rate and reselling them at face value, you can earn larger profits more quickly than washing that many cars yourself. This method not only boosts your fundraising efforts but also eliminates the unpredictable variables like weather or volunteer availability that can affect traditional car washes. Plus, since our tickets are valid for an extended period, your supporters have the flexibility to use them at their convenience, making them more likely to purchase multiple tickets and further increasing your revenue.

Reduce Your Liability

Hosting your own car wash comes with risks, including potential damage to vehicles or injuries to volunteers and supporters. By partnering with us, you avoid these liabilities, ensuring a safer fundraising experience.

Protect the Environment

In many regions in Las Vegas, car washes in parking lots or schoolyards are discouraged due to the strain they place on local stormwater systems, introducing phosphorus and other pollutants into nearby ponds and streams. We responsibly manage wastewater in compliance with EPA, state, and local regulations.

Conserve Water

Washing cars with a hose and bucket can use up to three times more water than a professional car wash. With rising water and sewer costs across the country, why promote wasteful practices when you can encourage water conservation by working with us?

Why This Program Succeeds

Our fundraising program is easy to manage, allowing you to raise funds regardless of the weather or the availability of volunteers. It’s highly flexible—you can run it for a day, a month, or even an entire year. Plus, the tickets are redeemable during our regular business hours, seven days a week.

Organizations such as charities, teams, schools, and church groups typically generate much higher funds by partnering with us rather than hosting a car wash on their own. One reason for this success is that our community already knows and values our services. When supporters purchase a ticket from your organization, they’re not only contributing to your cause but also getting a top-quality car wash.